Anderson HS Health Room
Hours: M-F 8:30 am to 4:35 pm
School Nurse: Brianna Walther, BSN, RN
The Health Room is open daily during school hours. Students are encouraged to consult the nurse concerning any health problem. For urgent needs during class please ask your teacher for a pass. A pass is not needed before or after school or during lunch.
General Health Guidelines
Students with any of the following symptoms should not attend school:
Temperature of 100 degrees or higher
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Eye redness and/or drainage
Undetermined rash and/or scaly patches over any part of the body or scalp
Intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection
Open, draining lesions
Students with any of these symptoms should stay home from school until they are symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
For COVID-19: please refer to the Austin ISD COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols for students who have symptoms, have tested positive, or have been in close contact with someone who tested positive. The AHS Health Room does not offer COVID-19 testing.
Medication at School
Only medications that are necessary for a student’s medical care will be given at school. Most medicines that are needed, even up to three times a day, can be given at home and should not be sent to school.
For safety, all medications must be received and given by a member of the Health Room team or a designated, trained staff member. All medications given at school require written permission from a parent/guardian AND a physician that must be renewed for each new school year. Please see the AISD Health Services website for required forms.
Only a parent or guardian may drop off or pick up medication from the Health Room. Students are not allowed to carry medication at school or on the bus, with the exception of medications for anaphylaxis, asthma, or diabetes. Medication must be in its original container or original prescription bottle. Before dropping off medication please make sure it is not expired.
Immunization Requirements
The Texas Administrative Code requires all students to be vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases in order to attend school. A list of required vaccinations may be obtained from your student’s doctor, the school nurse, or the Texas Health and Human Services website. Please submit updated immunizations records to the school nurse in person or via email: brianna.walther@austinisd.org or via fax: 512.414.7961
Thank you for trusting us with the care of your student at school! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email or call during school hours.