Attendance Specialist: Meliza Watkins
Attendance direct phone number: 512-414-2538 x73008
Attendance Fax line: 512-414-7961
Attendance Email address: anderson@austinisd.org

Regular attendance in all classes is an expectation of all Austin ISD students. State law and District policy state that students must be in attendance for 90% of the instructional days for a class to receive credit. A student who misses more days than allowed by AISD policy, excused or unexcused, may not be given credit for that class unless time and/or work is made up for the absences. Students will work with the grade level administrator to complete the appropriate steps to reach compliance.
Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law. For more information visit the district's attendance page.
- Please send in documentation of student absences using the School Absence Form on the AISD website or complete a paper form (pick up in Front Office).
- We DO NOT accept phone calls or voicemail messages as documentation for a student's absence.
- Please have medical offices submit documentation of your student’s visit to “anderson@austinisd.org”.
- Set up notifications for your student’s attendance and grades via Parent Self Serve.
- Click here to learn more about attendance descriptions and codes.
If a student arrives at school between 9:05 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., they must report to the 1st period and will be considered tardy.
If a student arrives after 9:30 a.m., they must report to the front office with a parent note to receive a permit to class.
If a student is more than 45 minutes late to 2nd-4th or 6th-8th periods, they will be marked ABSENT by the teacher.
Please do not plan to pick up your child from school 30 minutes prior to dismissal (ie 4:00 PM). Parents should follow the steps below to check out their student from school for an appointment or other reasons:
Enter the main office and present your driver's license or any official identification like a passport
The office staff will complete the checkout process to document the student's departure from campus
The office staff will call for your student from class or send a staff member to retrieve them
Email ATTENDANCE (anderson@austinisd.org) for pink slips if your student is leaving early for an appointment. Please include the following in the email:
Student's Name
Student's ID#
Time to leave class
Reason for leaving class
Parent name
Parent contact #
Beginning August 2023, parent emails for student early release must be received by 2:00pm the day of the release. If an email is not received by this time the parent/guardian must come into the office to sign out their student. Additionally, students will not be released after 4:00pm, unless an email or parent note has already been received by the office and a pink pass has been issued to your student.
Regretfully, last minute requests cannot be honored. Please plan accordingly. *For emergency pick-up please come to the front office*
When arriving late to campus or returning from an appointment, students should check in at the main office. Please use School Absence Form to submit all parent/doctor documents.

All VOE (Verification of Enrollment) requests must be submitted through Mrs. Watkins, your Attendance Specialist. You can find the QR code for requests at her desk in the front office.
Please Note:
- Allow up to one week for VOE requests to be processed.
- VOEs are only valid for 30 days from the date they are issued. Do not request a VOE if the student's appointment is more than 30 days away.
If a student's attendance drops below 90%, a VOE cannot be issued. For example, five unexcused absences could result in attendance falling below 90%. In such cases, you will need to make up hours with Mrs. Dorothy Salas.

Juniors and seniors may be excused up to 2 days each year to visit colleges if the visit is planned in advance through the Attendance Office and documentation is provided from the college (college letter on letterhead to verify the day of visit preferred).