The following are some guidelines that will help you decide how and when to best publicize your booster club related schedules, events and news.
One of the most important things you should do is to make sure that your notices about your booster club meetings are on the Master Calendar. Contact: Christina McBride
Also, please keep in mind that our custodians are here to close up after your meeting. If parents want to visit for a long time after the meeting, we appreciate your shepherding them to a location outside of school to do so.
To submit articles to publish, please send it to the Trojan Times Editor exactly as you want it to read, although the Editor may still make changes to your submission based on space limitations or other editorial needs. Announcements should be short and to the point to be best read. Please confirm dates and times of events! We don’t put club specific calendar items in Trojan Times (like booster club meetings or game schedules) but will list school community events (such as fundraisers).
Coaches are responsible for submitting all game information to Cathy Painter to include on the Master Calendar.
STUDENT ACCOLADES (formerly known as KUDOS)
Coaches send in reports on games for Student Announcements to Christina McBride
We put big news – District winners, tournament winners, etc. – on the website under Student or School Accolades. We use the info sent to us by the coaches for these sections. If a coach has a parent write these up, it must still be submitted by the coach or faculty sponsor.
We encourage you to put all the details on your website – academic competition results, new officers, etc.
Feel free to send any articles about your booster club/students directly to the West Austin News. Please check with your coach before sending. Some pointers: Put Anderson (Name of Club) in the title. Keep the article to 300 words or less. On the same page as the write up, write the photo number/name (however it is identified) and include names of those in the photo in the order they appear. Attach pictures as .jpg files; do not embed them in the document. The West Austin News email is editor@westaustinnews.com.
Thanks so much for all you do! Don’t hesitate to let either of us know if you have any questions.
rev. 6/2022